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Celebrity MobiFilms
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  Kelvin Tong
Expert Advice





1. Tell a story
It's tempting to shoot any and every thing when you have a camera in your phone. Don't. Stop and think of an interesting narrative first. Then go shoot images that tell that story.

2. Keep it simple
Stay away from complex tracking or moving shots. The best visuals are often the simplest ones.

3. Keep it steady
The easiest way to look immediately professional is to shoot steady images. Brace your camera-phone against a wall if you have shaky hands. Better still, tape your camera-phone to a camera tripod. Avoid using the zoom function if you can because the slightest shake will get magnified to grotesque proportions.

4. Keep it short
Stay aware from thirty-second clips. If it takes so long for your image to say something, you've probably chosen a bad subject matter. Watch TV commercials. They are all 30-seconds long. See how succinct and immediate the storytelling is.

5. Compose
Don't just shoot from wherever you are. Learn to crouch, climb a chair, whatever that gives you an interesting angle and pleasing composition. Pick up any photography book and learn the Rule of Thirds.

6. Sight and sound
Your mobi film is not just about visuals. Music or dialogue can lend an extra dimension and depth to what your images are saying.

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