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Name :   Anita Cheah
Gender :   Female
Country :   Malaysia


Everyday life is transient; events pass in a blink of an eye. Thus, mobile filmmaking is the only way to accurately capture a slice of life for posterity. By entering this contest, I am showcasing the world from my viewpoint, as well as enabling others to experience it vicariously.

In this day and age of disposable consumerism, society at large constantly craves for the latest and greatest.

However, there are people who still value the reliable and the comfortable, namely their shoes, and for that would commission for a pair to be custom-made. And when these old "soles" need care, they are taken by their owners to the one person who knows how to "heel" them - the one who knows all about shoes - the cobbler.

This profession has its roots in a time before there were footwear boutiques and choice was overly abundant. The trade was often passed from father to son.

These pictures were taken at a market place in a fairly affluent neighborhood. Nevertheless, the cobbler who sets up his mobile stall here has thriving business daily. People from all walks of life bring all manner of footwear, ranging from brand-name sports shoes to expensive Gucci dress-shoes, to be glued, stitched and resoled.

The customers sit and wait as the cobbler expertly turns the shoes over to determine the best "treatment". Then his experienced fingers deftly wield his tools of trade and within minutes, as if by magic, the old worn parts have been removed and the new parts glued, nailed and stitched on, and the old shoe gets a new lease on life.

This modern-day cobbler also keeps up with the times with a large variety of materials, prints and colors to cater to orders for custom-made shoes.

Despite the fact that cobblers are fast becoming a rare breed, the few that remain, like this one, will continue to have a thriving business that will always be "soled-out"!

In this day and age of disposable consumerism, society at large constantly craves for the latest and greatest.

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